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Why Wine is Artistry?


Firstly where the name of the Oenoartist is coming from? Oenology (Enology) is science of winemaking, oenoartist is person who practices winemaking as an artistry.


Wine can be a product of creativity: it can be made to express a feeling, and to have its drinker feel something. Like when you look at Monet’s paintings in his gardens in Giverny, don’t you feel some kind of excitement or astonishing feeling, or perhaps a smile on your face as the same smile when you drink a glass of artistically-crafted Pinot? Crafting a wine can be a means of communicating an idea, a transaction from one state to another. As you look at any paints and feel an expression.


Francis Ford Coppola said, “An essential element of any art is risk. If you don’t take a risk, then how are you going to make something really beautiful, something that hasn’t been seen before?”


Robert Mondavi also once said “Making a good wine is a skill, making fine wine is an art”.


Certificated Sommellier and creator of the NYT bestseller book Wine Folly author Madeline Puckette expresses that “There’s this undefinable x-factor to great wine that’s hard to quantify in a scientific manner. Art is also a very personal choice that really comes down to the eye of the beholder. Of course, the more educated you are at understanding the craft of art, the more sophisticated/nuanced your taste will become. Winemakers, like artists, follow different ideologies and these core competencies are indeed reflected in the wine.”


A bottle of wine, therefore, is not just an expression of a place: it is thought to be the expression of a place in time. Like an object of art, a wine is thought to be unique and impossible to reproduce.






With a deep love for the vine, Yigit Keskin aspires to bring his passion for wine to life.
Moving nearly 7,000 miles across the world from his native Istanbul, Turkey. He is eager to
settle down and plant roots in Sonoma County.


“When I came, I fell in love,” he says, while reflecting on his first time to the Russian
River Valley. The area has made him feel at home, reminding him of his Mediterranean culture.


He says Sonoma County is the perfect place to begin his wine-making career. He believes
that many challenges winemakers face is what makes job rewarding. Although, he loves several
varietals, his heart lies with Pinot Noir. Pinot’s delicate nature allows him to focus on his
artisanal style – emphasizing the vineyard’s site to speak for itself. “Wine to me is art, “Keskin said.


Keskin holds two Master’s Degree in Enology and Viticulture. He speaks five different
languages and has studied and worked different winemaking techniques and practice different artistry in the three continents including North America, Europe and Australia. Keskin worked as an enologist at Twomey Cellars before moving at Sbragia Family Vineyards and Duckhorn Wine Company. Also he was judge for many wine competitions.


Keskin is awarded by many institutes, organizations and government agencies including European Union, San Francisco French Consulate, French-American Chamber of Commerce, Wines and Vines magazine and The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. He is professional artistic winemaker and wine judge with awarded the best taster. Keskin is also author of two books for Wine Laboratory Manual and Harvest Assessment Guide.

He offers consultancy for winemaking, wine business and marketing and wine hospitality. 


He worked with many world renowned winemakers such as Jeff McBride, Ed Sbragia, Erin Miller, Dana Epperson, Tyson Wolf, Nicholas Delaforce, Dirk Niepoort, Carlos Raponso and wine professionals

as Bill Traverso, Anne Vercelli, Kevin Sea and many others.



2019 © Mehmet Yigit KESKIN Oenoartist

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